Membership of the Global Association of Clinical officers and Physician Associates will gather at the historic ‘The Everly Putrajaya” situated at the heart of the Malaysian capital – Kuala Lumpur between June 18th to 21st , 2023.
The 3rd GACOPA International delegates and scientific conference has been announced . This announcement was made by the conference organising committee led by the Malaysia Association of Medical assistants President Mr Mustafa Abd Majid.
The 4 day conference will take place between 18th to 21st June , 2023 with the theme “Harmonising Clinical Officers and Physician Associates towards attaining Universal Health Coverage .
International delegates will be required to pay a conference fee of USD 250 with local members paying RM700

Speaking to GACOPA TV , GACOPA President Austin Oduor said that this will be the turning point in the associations resolve to make a statement to the world about the role they play in the Health care system.
The Conference Central Committee comprise GACOPA President Austin Oduor from Kenya , Vice President Anthony Arkoh (Ghana) , Joel Pady (Ghana ), Viola Mujukizzi (Uganda ) and Chrisphine Onditi of Kenya . Also in the committee is the Malaysian duo of Mustapha Abdi and Zulhemi Abdullah .

The conference which will be the biggest ever for GACOPA professionals will have 21 members of the organising committee whose key role will be to spear head the realisation of the 3rd international conference .

meanwhile , GACOPA President Austin Oduor has announced that the 2023 Malaysia conference website launch will take place on the 5th of January , 2023 at the MAMA offices in Kuala lumpur . the First Flyer announcement has been made .
The 3rd GACOPA International Conference which followed another successful conference in Rwanda comes at at time the world is battling pandemics
For registration email MR H.J JAAFARMS on 3rdconference@gacopamalaysia.com.my or whatsap on +60167555232. and for Scientific papers email MR NURHAN NORRIS MA on scientificpapers@gacopamalaysia.com.my or whatsap/call on +60182891007