Call for Abstract submissions for the 1st East Africa Clinical officers Conference

Abstract Submission Guideline for Authors

Dear authors,

The following guidelines will be helpful to you before submitting abstract to our 1st East
Africa Clinical officers Delegates Conference  in Zanzibar City , from
3rd and 4th march 2023.

 Abstract submission deadline is 20th  January , 2023.

 Abstracts must  be submitted electronically via the   form shown on the link  shown at the end of  the instructions.

If there are any problems please contact the conference chair or organisers on

 The abstracts must be submitted in English

 All abstracts will be reviewed and may be selected for oral or poster presentation

 The time allotted for each oral presentation will depend on the session to which the
abstract is allocated but it usually is a 15-minute presentation including questions.

 English will be the language for all oral and poster presentations

Notification of acceptance by the Local Scientific Committee will be mailed to the
author on or before 25th of January

Failure by the presenting author to register for conference by 30th  January  2022 will
automatically imply that the paper will be withdrawn and the abstract will not be
included in the Final Program.


A scientific abstract should summarise the main elements of the oral presentation. An
abstract should be structured with the following sub-headings: Introduction, Background
information, Methodology, Results and Conclusions. The total length of the abstract should
be no more than 300 words. You should not put any references in the abstract.

1. Preparation of presentations.

Please prepare your presentation as a PowerPoint file (.ppt) and bring it on a flash disc or
CD to the conference. Please contact the conference organizers on arrival at the venue to
check that your presentation is compatible with the conference hall’s computer.


1. Please aim for your talk to last (approximately) 15 minutes only.
2. Elements of a good abstract
a. Introduction
b. Back ground information
c. Methods
d. Results
e. Conclusions

Normally, speakers cover approximately 1 slide/minute, so you should aim to have about
15 slides. The moderator for each session will give a signal when there are 5 minutes and 1
minute remaining for each speaker, and will stop any speakers going beyond their allotted
time. There will be some time available for questions from the audience at the end of each

1. What makes an effective (scientific) presentation?

 Many presenters fall into the trap of “reading out” their slides – this is very boring for
the audience. To AVOID “reading out”, decide what you want to say in advance and
memorize this (or make notes) – you do not have to have everything that you say on
the screen as well.

 Your slides should provide the ILLUSTRATION for what you are saying – and may
contain some data, which you can highlight as you go along using the pointer.

 Try to put lots of IMAGES into your presentation: colourful graphs, figures and
pictures can all get information across very well.

 Use LARGE text size if you have any text to include in your presentation – you
should not expect your audience to read more than a few lines of information from
any slide.

 Do a “practice run” of your presentation with your slides a few days beforehand – try
to time yourself and see if your talk actually lasts 15 minutes.

The guidelines for reviewers will be:

1. Does the title reflect the objectives
2. Does the background information provide a good rationale for the study
3. Are the objectives of the study well stated in terms of population and intervention
4. Are the methods clear and complete
5. Is the intervention clearly stated, feasible, appropriate to produce desired results
6. Do the results correspond with the study objectives  and are the details explained
7. Are the conclusions appropriate given the study limitations if any. Do they relate to
the objectives
8. Are the study results generalised appropriately
9. Are the project outcomes and benefits clearly stated and pertinent
10. Have conflicts of interest or study sponsorship been disclosed

We look forward to welcoming you in ZANZIBAR.

Best wishes,
David Njeru


Follow the link below and submit your abstract 

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Zanzibar Conference

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