Mombasa City Pride Inn Hotel will be a bee hive of activites from tomorrow as Clinical Officers ,Phyisicain Assistants , Clinical Associates ,Health Officers etc take part in a three day conference .
The Kenya Clinical Officers Association will hold its 21st annual scientific conferenceĀ in the coastal City of Mombasa with Universal Health Coverage , the theme of theĀ conference that will see international delegates also take part .
Conference Theme: UHC from word to action
Sub themes
- Health financing in UHC
- Human resources for UHC
- Training of Clinical Officers for UHC in low and middle income countries
- Health educators for clinical officers
- Training of Clinical Officers for UHC in low and middle income countries
- Role of Clinical specialties in achieving quality standards and accreditation in UHC
- RH
- Dermatology
- Paediatric
- Anaesthesia
- Oncology
- Mental health
- Accidents and emergency
- Chest medicine
- Information, technology and diagnostics in UHC
- Infectious disease control in UHC
- Common and neglected tropical and parasitic infections
- Non- communicable diseases in UHC
- Antibiotic Stewardship and Infection Control
- Emerging and Zoonotic Infections
- Quality improvement and standard in UHC
- Miscellaneous