Mombasa City Pride Inn Hotel will be a bee hive of activites from tomorrow as Clinical Officers ,Phyisicain Assistants , Clinical Associates ,Health Officers etc take part in a three day conference .

The Kenya Clinical Officers Association will hold its 21st annual scientific conferenceĀ  in the coastal City of Mombasa with Universal Health Coverage , the theme of theĀ  conference that will see international delegates also take part .

Conference Theme: UHC from word to action

Sub themes

  1. Health financing in UHC
  2. Human resources for UHC
    1. Training of Clinical Officers for UHC in low and middle income countries
      1. Health educators for clinical officers
  • Role of Clinical specialties in achieving quality standards and accreditation in UHC
    • RH
    • EYE
    • ENT
    • Dermatology
    • Paediatric
    • Anaesthesia
    • Oncology
    • Mental health
    • Accidents and emergency
    • Chest medicine
  1. Information, technology and diagnostics in UHC
  2. Infectious disease control in UHC
  3. Common and neglected tropical and parasitic infections
  4. Non- communicable diseases in UHC
  5. Antibiotic Stewardship and Infection Control
  6. Emerging and Zoonotic Infections
  7. Quality improvement and standard in UHC
  8. Miscellaneous

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