Clinical Officers ,Physician Assistants etc gather in Mombasa as KCOA holds 21st Conference

Mombasa City Pride Inn Hotel will be a bee hive of activites from tomorrow as Clinical Officers ,Phyisicain Assistants , Clinical Associates ,Health Officers etc take part in a three day conference . The Kenya Clinical Officers Association will hold its 21st annual scientific conference  in the coastal City of Mombasa with Universal Health Coverage…

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GACOPA set for second international conference in Kigali ,Rwanda

Kigali ,Rwanda will be the venue for the second international and executive conference for the global association of clinical officers and physician Associates   This second conference is set for March 5-7 ,2020 at the iconic University of Rwanda School of Medicine hall   We will update on the preparations soon Read also

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GACOPA ends historic first international conference in the capital Accra

Hundreds of health professionals that form the giant Global Association of Clinical Officers ended a three-day conference on Universal Health Care in the Ghanaian capital of Accra. The conference which brought together members of the global outfit taking up the name’s Clinical officers, Physician Assistants, Clinical Associates, Health Officers, Medical Assistants, etc gathered at the…

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